These are just some of the unhelpful dichotomies we aim to break down with our publishing

Footnote is an award-winning platform for marginalised stories and perspectives. We are committed to inclusivity and innovation across all aspects of our publishing. Our mission is to counter dominant narratives and retell the story.

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The Coin by Yasmin Zaher is longlisted for the Dylan Thomas Prize
In enthralling, sensory prose, The Coin explores nature and civilisation, beauty and justice, class and belonging – all while resisting easy moralising. Provocative, wry and inviting, The Coin marks the arrival of a major new literary voice.

EVENT: Hanako Footman in conversation with Hanna Thomas Uose on 1 April at Daunt Books, Oxford
Join us to hear Hanako Footman & Hanna Thomas Uose in conversation about their debut novels, Mongrel and Who Wants to Live Forever. Tickets here.

Footnote acquires Hunting in America by Tehila Hakimi
With a poet’s eye and a hunter’s aim, Hakimi’s beguiling debut novel is a taut, twisty story about the everyday violence that haunts countries.

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